FGU college of creativity and technology

Status Full-Time
Name 林立傑 (LIN,LI_CHIEH)
Office Tel No. 23216
Research Expertise 文創應用文化與科技創新、人工智慧、文創應用、數位學習、數位人文
Current Course CS21M00 2D動畫企劃與實作(2D Animation Workshop)
CS21O00 基礎專題實作(Project Design and Implementation)
CS21O01 基礎專題實作(Project Design and Implementation)
CS40A00 專題實作2(Advanced Project Design and Implementation(Ⅱ))
CS30N00 專題實作1(Advanced Project Design and Implementation(Ⅰ))
CS40G00 實務實習2(Practicum(Ⅱ))
CT03400 科技應用與文化創新(Technological Applications and Cultural Innovation)
Country School Name Department Degree
紐約科技大學(POLYTECHNIC University) Computer and Information Science 博士 博士
紐約科技大學(POLYTECHNIC University) Computer Science 碩士 碩士
交通大學 資訊科學系 學士 學士